
Patron Saint of Marines

AKA: USMC, Leatherneck

Serving in the Marine Corps is a demanding and challenging commitment. Marine’s unwavering motto "Semper Fidelis" (Always Faithful) embodies a timeless and united dedication to their battle successes, the advancement of our nation, and an enduring allegiance and loyalty to their fellow Marines with whom they stand and fight shoulder to shoulder.

While they are distinct branches with unique missions and roles, the Marine Corps have a close collaboration with the Navy which allows them to work together effectively to achieve shared objectives, particularly in the realm of amphibious operations and expeditionary warfare.

Marines undergo rigorous training, which is physically and mentally demanding, to prepare them for a wide range of missions and responsibilities. Marine life involves discipline, teamwork, and a strong sense of duty, with a focus on being the first to respond to crises and combat. Marines are often deployed to various parts of the world, and they must be prepared for conflict, humanitarian efforts, disaster relief, and to win the battles of today. The camaraderie and bonds formed within the Marine Corps are often lifelong and contribute to a sense of brotherhood and unity among Marines.

Marines specialize in various fields, including infantry, aviation, artillery, logistics, and more. Members are stationed at bases around the world, and they can be deployed to various theaters of operation which leads to diverse experiences and exposure to different cultures. They may find themselves in demanding and sometimes hazardous environments. This can include combat zones, extreme weather conditions, and remote locations.

Given the challenges faced by Marines, it is very important to offer prayers for their safety, well-being, and unwavering resilience. Saints provide a profound avenue to seek their intercession, offering emotional support, guidance, and steadfast strength to these servicemen and women as they carry out their duties and confront the distinctive hardships of their service.

US Marine Corp Uniform

Who is the Patron Saint of the Marines

Numerous saints have long been revered for their association with aiding and safeguarding men and women in the Marines. While renowned figures like St. Michael, St. George, and St. Joan of Arc are widely recognized as Patron Saints of the Military in general as well as the Marines, there are also specific Patron Saints who hold a special place for the Marines, such as St. Brendan and St. Barbara.

St. Brendan was an Irish monastic saint from the 6th century. He is not typically recognized as the patron saint of the Marines, but his association with the sea and navigation may lead some to draw inspiration from his life and example. 

St. Brendan is primarily known for his legendary voyages, particularly the "Voyage of St. Brendan," which is a medieval Irish tale describing his adventurous travels across the Atlantic Ocean. While the historicity of these voyages is debated, they depict St. Brendan and his companions exploring the seas, encountering strange islands, and relying on their faith during their maritime adventures.

It's possible that some members of the Marines, who are often involved in naval and amphibious operations, draw inspiration from the adventurous and seafaring spirit of St. Brendan. Marines may also appreciate his courage, resourcefulness, and reliance on faith during challenging and uncertain times.

St. Barbara, a revered early Christian martyr of the 3rd century, holds the esteemed title of the Patron Saint of artillery, among other roles. This connection between St. Barbara and the field of artillery stems from a blend of historical records and legendary accounts that characterize her life and her significance.

St. Barbara's legend weaves a tale of noble birth and a profound conversion to Christianity during this era. Her devout beliefs led to a pivotal moment when her pagan father, upon learning of her Christian faith, imprisoned her within a tower. This tower, often likened to fortifications resembling artillery placements, forms the basis of her connection to the world of artillery.

According to the captivating legend, it was within this tower that St. Barbara experienced divine intervention. Miraculously, she was saved from harm, either through the radiant light of the divine or a symbolic lightning strike. This extraordinary event became symbolically tied to artillery and the potent force of explosives.

St. Barbara is venerated as a guardian against unforeseen and violent deaths, encompassing those resulting from artillery or explosive incidents. Her intercession is earnestly sought by artillery personnel and others facing the prospect of sudden, perilous events. St. Barbara's legacy endures as a protective figure and source of inspiration within the realm of artillery, her story representing the hope for safety and divine safeguarding amid the tumultuous world of armed conflict in the Marines. 

Click here for our list of Patron Saints.

Prayers for Marines

The Marine’s Prayer

Almighty Father, whose command is over all and whose love never fails, make me aware of Thy presence and obedient to Thy will. Keep me true to my best self, guarding me against dishonesty in purpose and deed and helping me to live so that I can face my fellow Marines, my loved ones and Thee without shame or fear. Protect my family. Give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm. Grant me the courage to be proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to the duties my country and the Marine Corps have entrusted to me. Make me considerate of those committed to my leadership. Help me to wear my uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the traditions which I must uphold. If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again. Guide me with the light of truth and grant me wisdom by which I may understand the answer to my prayer. Amen.

Prayer of Marines

Eternal Father, grant me the courage to accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm.

Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to the duties my Country has entrusted to me.

If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith. If I am tempted, make me strong to resist. If I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again. Amen.

 St. Michael’s Prayer

Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Prayer For Marines’ Families

Dear God. I praise and magnify your Name. You deserve all the glory and honor. Thank you for this beautiful day you have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Lord, I pray for our Marines’ families. Lord, I know how challenging it can be to be separated from your family for a long time. Lord, the anxiety and emotional trauma our Marines’ families go through can’t be underestimated. I take authority over any spirit of fear and anxiety that will seek to attack our Marines’ families, for your word says, “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control.” Lord bless our Marines’ families with your peace. I pray that you keep and protect them from all evil. To you Lord be all praise and glory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Related Patron Saint Jewelry and Rosaries

Buy some beautiful St. Michael, St. George, St. Joan of Arc, St. Brendan or St. Barbara jewelry to keep you or your loved one close to the Patron saint of the Marines and be a symbol of your faith.

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