
Peregrine Laziosi

Saint Peregrine Laziosi is the patron saint of cancer, foot ailments and incurable diseases. Peregrine was born into a wealthy Italian family and was active in the anti-papal party. At one point, he attacked St. Philip Benizi and then repented to the priest who forgave him. Later he had visions of the Virgin Mary which caused his conversion. After becoming a priest, a cancerous growth appeared on his right foot that needed to be amputated. The night before the surgery, Peregrine spent hours in prayer, went to sleep and dreamed of Christ healing his foot. When he woke up, he found that it was healed. His feast day is May 1st. Buy a pendant or add on a chain to make it a necklace. Get St. Peregrine medals in either sterling silver, gold-filled or 14kt solid gold all made in the USA and with lifetime guarantees.

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