
Patron Saint of Sailors

AKA: Mariners, Seafarers, Deckhands

Sailors are responsible for navigating, operating and maintaining a seagoing vessel, as well as performing various tasks necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the ship. They continue to play a critical role in the global economy, transporting goods and supplies across the world's oceans. A sailor can face many dangers in their line of work, including exposure to harsh weather conditions, dangerous cargo, the risk of fire or explosion, the threat of piracy. The biggest risk is likely the possibility of drowning or being lost at sea during natural disasters or shipwrecks. On top of that, the physically demanding nature of their job, combined with long periods of isolation, can take a toll on their mental, physical and spiritual health.

Sailing on the Water

Who is the Patron Saint of Sailors

To protect sailors, many call upon the saints for their intercessory powers. The good news is there are a lot of saints to choose from who are considered the Patron Saint of Sailors. Eight of those seafaring friendly saints are St. Brendan the Navigator, St. Nicholas, St. Brigid, St. Clement, St. Christopher, St. Elmo, St. Andrew and Our Lady Star of the Sea.

St. Brendan the Navigator is probably the most well-known of the Saints for Sailors. He was an Irish monk who lived in the 6th century and became famous for his seafaring voyages. He is best known for his legendary seven-year journey to the "Isle of the Blessed," an earthly paradise recounted in an epic story called “The Voyage of St. Brendan the Abbot.” Some consider this island might have been North America. While the factual accuracy of the voyage itself is not proven, it is historically established that Christopher Columbus was looking for St. Brendan’s Isle when he discovered the West Indies. He is considered a patron saint of sailors due to his reputation for miraculous protection of sailors at sea.

What does St. Nicholas, known for gift giving to children, have to do with sailors? Well, for one he lived off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea but also because legend has it that while on an overseas voyage to the Holy Land, a fierce storm blew up and threatened the ship. The sailors asked Nicholas to pray for them. He did and the sea miraculously became calm. On the same voyage back, a sailor fell from the mast to his death. St. Nicholas prayed over the man who came back to life. These legends lead many sailors to pray to St. Nicholas for his protection.

St. Brigid does not have as clear a connection as the others but there are some that consider her a patron of sailors. This could be based on the facts that her mother was captured by pirates and sold into slavery as well as being from Ireland, a land surrounded by water.

St. Clement was the fourth pope and considered a Church Father. There is not much known about his life, but one detail passed down through tradition is that he was martyred by drowning him with an anchor wrapped around his neck. Since then, he has been known as a protector of mariners and his artwork routinely shows him with an anchor.

St. Christopher was known by the legend of him carrying Jesus across a raging river. While his story does not have a direct connection to seafarers or sailors, he is often called upon because of his reputation as a protector of travelers since sailors are travelers of the sea after all.

St. Elmo, also known as Erasmus of Formia, was a Bishop in Italy who lived during the time Diocletian was persecuting Christians. He was tortured and suffered extremely painful punishments before he was ultimately martyred. His dreadful death was caused by being gutted and his intestines then wrapped around a windlass, a type of winch used especially on ships to hoist anchors and haul on mooring lines. The static electric discharge often seen before a storm at sea was given his name, St. Elmo’s Fire, because sailors would often invoke him for his protection upon seeing this phenomenon. He is known as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.

St. Andrew, one of the apostles, has a natural connection to the sea since he was a fisherman who worked on the water. Another connection is because of the circumstances surrounding his death. According to tradition, St. Andrew was crucified on an X-shaped cross, which later became known as the Saint Andrew's cross. This cross was adopted as a symbol by the Russian navy, and it is said that sailors who were in danger would invoke St. Andrew for protection. Over time, St. Andrew became associated with protection at sea and is now considered a patron saint of sailors.

Our Lady Star of the Sea is a title of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, and is often invoked as the patroness of sailors and travelers. The title is based on a Marian apparition that is said to have occurred to sailors in peril on the sea. The story goes that the sailors, caught in a storm, saw a bright star that guided them to safety. Upon reaching land, they discovered an image of the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus, who was also referred to as the "Morning Star." From this story, the Virgin Mary became known as Our Lady Star of the Sea, and was honored as the protectress of sailors and travelers, who invoked her protection during their journeys. The title also reflects the belief in Mary as a guiding star, providing spiritual direction and guidance to those who turn to her.

Click here for our list of Patron Saints.

Prayers for Sailors

Prayer of St. Brendan

Help me to journey beyond the familiar and into the unknown. Give me the faith to leave old ways and break fresh ground with You.

Christ of the mysteries, I trust You to be stronger than each storm within me. I will trust in the darkness and know that my times, even now, are in Your hand. Tune my spirit to the music of heaven, and somehow, make my obedience count for You. Amen.

Our Lady Star of the Sea Prayer

Our Lady Star of the Sea, through you came the light of the world. You cared for the Son of God. Now all God’s children are your charge. To those who are in distress you provide a beacon of hope. If we wander from our faith you guide us back to our true course. In dark times we pray to you, everlasting light of our lives. Blessed Virgin, chosen by God, Our Lady Star of the Sea, pray for us. Amen.

Prayer for Sailors at Sea

Dear Lord, I pray for sailors at sea and we pray that in line with Your Word, they will call out to You at any time, during any storm, knowing that You will hear. It is You who is in control of the sea and it is You who calms all storms so that the waves are still. Lord, I pray that those at sea will travel with Your heavenly authority so that they may be protected and remain at peace; this is the prayer of our hearts, Amen.

 A Seafarer’s Prayer

O God, I ask you to take me into your care and protection along with all those who sail ships. Make me alert and wise in my duties. Make me faithful in the time of routine, and prompt to decide and courageous to act in any time of crisis. Protect me in the dangers and perils of the sea; and even in the storm, grant that there may be peace and calm within my heart. When I am far from home and far from loved ones and far from the country that I know, help me to be quite sure that, wherever I am, I can never drift beyond your love and care. Take care of my loved ones in the days and weeks and months when I am separated from them, sometimes with half the world between them and me. Keep me true to them and keep them true to me, and every time that we have to part, bring us together in safety and in loyalty again. This I ask for your love’s sake. Amen.

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