
Patron Saint of Mothers

Aka: Motherhood, Moms

Motherhood is a unique and rewarding experience that involves a wide range of emotions, challenges, and joys. Mothers take on the responsibility of caring for their children and nurturing them to grow up to be holy, healthy and happy humans.

Mothers are incredibly important for the well-being of their children and society as a whole. They range from stay-at-home moms to working mothers. They play a crucial role in shaping the future of their children, along with the fathers, by providing emotional support, spiritual and moral guidance, and stability. Mothers also contribute to the growth and development of the community by instilling important values and principles in their children.

It's important to note that motherhood is not limited to biological mothers. Anyone who takes on the role of a caregiver, whether it be a stepmother, adoptive mother, guardian, or mentor, can have a significant impact on a child's life.

Mothers are amazing prayer warriors for their children. We need to remember to pray for them as well. They too need the graces of God and the support and intercession of the saints.

Mother Taking Care Of Her Child

Who is the Patron Saint of Mothers

The go-to and greatest mother in the world is of course our Mother Mary. Who better to be the Patron Saint of Mothers. Sometimes we like to ask for help from someone who’s child was not Jesus, however. The second most well-known Saint of Mothers is St. Monica. But the good news is there are lots of other options to solicit for intercession. Those saints are St. Gianna Beretta Molla, St. Anne, St. Martha and St. Felicity.

Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the model for motherhood for Christians all over the world. Mary played a pivotal role in Jesus’ life and upbringing. Not only providing him with love, guidance, and support throughout his childhood and beyond, but also experiencing the pain and anguish of watching her son suffer and die.

She understands the sorrow that comes with losing a child, and she is believed to offer solace and consolation to mothers who are grieving. She is also recognized for her unwavering faith, devotion, and humility. She accepted God's will for her life, even when it meant bearing and raising Jesus under difficult circumstances. She trusted in God's plan for her and her son, and her example of faith is an inspiration to mothers everywhere.

Mary is known to intercede for mothers and their children. Many Catholics turn to her in times of need, asking for her prayers and intercession on behalf of their families. She is seen as a powerful advocate and a source of comfort and strength for mothers. Her example of faith and devotion, her intercession on behalf of mothers and their children, and her compassion for those who are suffering make her an amazing patron saint of mothers.

St. Monica, in spite of being Catholic, married a pagan named Patricius. He was known for having a violent temper. They had three children, Augustine, Navigius and Perpetua. The most famous is of course St. Augustine of Hippo. He was not a saint his whole life. He originally embraced a blend of various religions and philosophies, lived for years with a woman to whom he was not married and fathered a child with and lived most of his youth seeking worldly pleasure.

Through her persistent prayer and example, she converted both her husband and her son. Monica was the model of a patient mother. She is both a great example and a great intercessor for all mothers.

St. Gianna Beretta Molla was an Italian pediatrician and mother who lived from 1922 to 1962. She was a devoted Catholic and a loving wife and working mother of four children. In 1961, while pregnant with her fourth child, Gianna was diagnosed with a uterine tumor. Her doctors advised her to have an abortion in order to save her own life, but Gianna chose to carry her child to term and undergo a risky surgery to remove the tumor.

Despite the surgery's success in removing the tumor, Gianna developed an infection and died a week after giving birth to her daughter, who was named Gianna Emanuela. Her decision to prioritize the life of her unborn child over her own is seen as a powerful example of selflessness and love. Her life and legacy serve as an inspiration to mothers everywhere to prioritize the well-being of their children and to trust in God's plan for their lives.

St. Anne was the mother of the Virgin Mary, and therefore the grandmother of Jesus Christ. Anne's life and story are not recorded in the Bible, but rather in other ancient texts and traditions. According to these sources, Anne was married to Joachim, and they were both devout Jews who longed for a child. After many years of praying, Anne conceived a child, who would later become Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Anne is revered for her deep faith and her dedication to raising her daughter Mary in a virtuous manner. She is believed to have instilled important values and virtues in Mary, such as humility, compassion, and obedience. Anne is also recognized as a powerful intercessor for mothers and families. Many people turn to her in times of need, seeking her prayers and support as they navigate the challenges of motherhood and family life. She is seen as a source of comfort and strength for those who are struggling, and a guide for those who seek to raise their children in the ways of God.

St. Martha was a biblical figure and sister of Mary and Lazarus, who were close friends of Jesus. She is venerated for her role as a homemaker, cook, and servant, the role of many mothers.

One notable story about Martha is found in the Gospel of John, in which she welcomes Jesus and his disciples into her home. While she is busy preparing food and serving her guests, her sister Mary sits at Jesus' feet and listens to him. Martha becomes frustrated with Mary and asks Jesus to tell her sister to help with the tasks at hand. However, Jesus gently reminds Martha that Mary has chosen the better part by listening to him, and that her own busyness and worries are distracting her from the more important things in life.

She is recognized as a patron saint of mothers because of her example of hospitality, hard work, and faithfulness which is surely an inspiration to many mothers who strive to balance the demands of household tasks with their own spiritual and personal growth.

St. Felicity was a Christian martyr who lived in Rome during the second century. She was a slave and a mother of seven sons, all of whom became Christians. When Emperor Marcus Aurelius began persecuting Christians, Felicity and her sons were arrested and ordered to renounce their faith. Despite the threat of torture and death, Felicity and her sons refused to renounce their beliefs, and they were all put to death.

Her story is often celebrated as an example of courage and faithfulness in the face of persecution. Her willingness to stand firm in her beliefs, even in the face of great adversity, is an inspiration to many mothers who face their own trials and challenges. She is also looked to by many mothers of large families.

Click here for our list of Patron Saints.

Prayers for Mothers

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Prayer to St. Monica for Mothers

Exemplary mother of the great Augustine, you perseveringly pursued your wayward son, not with wild threats, but with prayerful cries to heaven. Intercede for all mothers in our day so that they may learn to draw their children, even the prodigal sons and daughters who have sadly gone astray. Amen.

A Mother's Prayer for Her Children

Dear Lord, bless my children in their waking and sleeping, in the food they eat and, in their play, and study. Grant them, O Lord, the right use of your graces and gifts that in all they do, in every pursuit of their lives, they may seek to give you glory and come to share in Your eternal joy. Direct their steps, O Lord, and lead them along paths that will bring them to you, in peace and love forever. Amen.

Mother’s Blessing To Their Children

May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen

Related Patron Saint Jewelry and Rosaries

Buy some beautiful Mother Mary, St. Monica, St. Gianna, St. Anne, St. Martha and St. Felicity jewelry to keep you or your loved one close to the patron saint of mothers and be a symbol of your faith.

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