
Patron Saint of Love

AKA: Relationships, Family, Friendship, Romance, Selfless Love, Finding Love

Love encompasses a wide spectrum of emotions and connections, whether they be deep affection, intimacy, closeness, or unwavering devotion to people or things. The ancient Greeks recognized four distinct types of love: storge, philia, eros, and agape.

Storge, often referred to as familial love, characterizes the bond that naturally exists between those who care for one another, extending to encompass both individuals and their connections with animals and the world around them. This form of love can sometimes coexist with a degree of complacency or even moments of frustration.

Philia, on the other hand, pertains to friendships formed through mutual compatibility and shared values. These are relationships of choice, where individuals come together due to their commonalities and freely embrace one another.

Eros, often associated with passion or erotic love, is the love that overwhelms us without our thinking or willing it. It extends beyond mere sexual desire to encompass a profound aesthetic or spiritual attraction to what is perceived as supremely beautiful and desirable.

Lastly, there's agapic love, which manifests when one person selflessly gives to another who is in greater need. Agape is the love we freely choose; the love we extend to the other not for our own good, but for the other’s good. It's a generous act of self-donation without the expectation of any personal gain or reward. This is love in its most radical form — the love that has transformed the world!

Agapic love transforms erotic love. However, eros is not stripped of its value in the face of Christian agape. To the contrary, agape sheds a whole new light on the true meaning of eros. Eros, when it is properly understood, is the gateway to agape but also is ordered to, and ultimately culminates in, the Sacrament of Matrimony. 

Loving embrace holding hands

Who is the Patron Saint of Love

Each of these types of love have their own Patron Saint. Storge, or familial love, is aided best by St. Joseph. Philia, or friendship is helped by St. John the Apostle. Eros, aka romantic or passionate love, is assisted by the famous St. Valentine. Agape, also known as charity or sacrificial love, is best called upon from the Holy Spirit. 

St. Joseph, was the husband of the Virgin Mary and the earthly father of Jesus Christ. St. Joseph's role as a devoted and caring husband and father makes him a powerful symbol for married life and families. His unwavering support of Mary and his role in raising Jesus exemplify the values of love, faith, and commitment that are essential in family life. He is seen as a model of fatherly responsibility, care, and protection thus making him a great Patron Saint of familial love. Families often turn to him in prayer, seeking his intercession for guidance, protection, and strength in their own family life.

St. John the Apostle, also known as St. John the Evangelist, one of the closest disciples of Jesus Christ. He is often referred to as the "Beloved Disciple" because of his particularly close and deep friendship with Jesus. According to the New Testament, he was present at many important moments in Jesus's life, including the Last Supper where he leaned on Jesus's chest. John was also the only one of the Twelve Apostles who did not forsake Jesus during His Passion. He stood faithfully at the cross when Jesus made him the guardian of His Mother.

The concept of friendship, as exemplified by the strong bond between Jesus and John, is a central theme in John's Gospel and his letters. John 15:15 in the Bible contains Jesus' words, "I have called you friends," which underscores the idea of friendship within the context of Christian love and discipleship.

Because of his association with the deep friendship between him and Jesus, St. John is often recognized as the Patron Saint of love, loyalty and friendship.

St. Valentine is believed to have been a Christian martyr who lived during the Roman Empire. There are several different accounts and legends about his life, and it's challenging to establish historical accuracy. However, the most popular narrative suggests that he was a priest in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II.

The story goes that Emperor Claudius II banned marriages for young men, believing that unmarried soldiers made better warriors. St. Valentine, driven by his Christian faith and his commitment to love and compassion, continued to perform marriages for young couples in secret. When his actions were discovered, he was arrested and, eventually, sentenced to death.

While in prison, St. Valentine is said to have shown great kindness and love to his jailer's daughter, and he even sent her a note signed "from your Valentine" before his execution on February 14th, around 269 AD.

Over time, St. Valentine's story became associated with the celebration of love and affection, and he was eventually recognized as the Patron Saint of romantic love.

The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, which includes God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is often associated with love.

In Christian theology, it is understood that the Holy Spirit is the source of love. The Bible teaches that "God is love," and this love is expressed through the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's presence is seen as an embodiment of divine love and a means through which God's love is made manifest in the world.

In the New Testament, particularly in the book of Galatians, there is a passage that speaks of the "fruit of the Spirit." One of these fruits is love, and it is described as a characteristic that the Holy Spirit cultivates in the lives of believers. Love, in this context, is not just human affection but a divine, selfless, and unconditional agapic love that Christians are encouraged to exhibit in their relationships with others.

The Holy Spirit is also often seen as a divine counselor and comforter. He provides guidance and support to believers, helping them navigate life's challenges and make choices that are in line with God's love. This guidance often extends to how individuals express love and compassion toward others making Him a great intercessor for Divine love. 

Click here for our list of Patron Saints.

Prayers for Love

Prayer for Families

Gracious God, help us to love each other fervently.
Grow our love so deep that it is able and willing to overcome and forgive a multitude of misgivings.
Inspire a spirit of hospitality in each of us and enable us to cheerfully share our home .
We acknowledge that you have given each of us spiritual gifts.

Help us to put our own needs aside and use those gifts to serve one another well. We will rely on the strength and energy You supply.
We pray that everything we do within this family unit will bring you glory through the One who lives in us.

Prayer For Those Seeking Friendship

Holy God, Mighty God, Benevolent Creator and Lover of All Life, I praise You and I Glorify You!     Your beloved Son has called me “friend!”. As I quietly come to You to contemplate the great gift of His gracious friendship to me, please calm my mind and still my body. Bring me to a deep awareness, O My Father in Heaven, of Your presence to me right here, right now…above me, below me, behind me, before me, around me, beside me, within me. I lovingly thank You for Your infinite goodness to me, in particularly today in the gifts of Jesus’s friendship with me, and what an example He has given to me for my friendship with others. I thank you for the examples the Saints have given me in the ways and blessings of holy friendship. I ask You to grant me the gift of holy friendships in my life, with individuals who will walk faithfully side by side and arm in arm with me, back to You, as we travel our pilgrim journeys on this earth together. Amen.

Prayer For Those Seeking a Spouse

Loving Father, you know that the deepest desire of my heart is to meet someone that I can share my life with. I trust in your loving plan for me and ask that I might meet soon
the person that you have prepared for me. Through the power of your Holy Spirit,
open my heart and mind so that I recognize my soulmate. Remove any obstacles that may be in the way of this happy encounter, so that I might find a new sense of wholeness, joy and peace. Give me the grace too, to know and accept, if you have another plan for my life. I surrender my past, present and future into the tender heart of your Son, Jesus, confident that my prayer will be heard and answered.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.
St Valentine, pray for me. Amen.

Prayer For God’s Love

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your immense love for me. I ask You for the grace to open my heart and receive Your love more and more each day. Please reveal to me any unhealed hurts or wounds within me that are impacting my full receptivity to the Love You offer me freely at every moment. Please guide me to see more clearly the obstacles I create and the ways that I deflect Your love. Be with me Lord. I give You permission to restore my heart in You. Even though that may mean facing past hurts, I know I face them with You, strongly enfolded in Your healing embrace.

I invite You Lord Jesus, to work in me each day through Your Holy Spirit. Guide me to rid myself of judgments, resentments, unforgiveness, bitterness, prejudices, cynicism and fear. I desire to bring Your healing love to others, and I know that to do so effectively, I need to first experience Your healing love myself. Conform my heart to Your Heart, Lord! Purge and purify my heart! Steady me by Your grace and guide me further along the pathway of Heavenly perfection in You. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Related Patron Saint Jewelry and Rosaries

Buy some beautiful St. Joseph, St. John the Apostle, St. Valentine or Holy Spirit jewelry to keep you or your loved one close to the patron saint of love and be a symbol of your faith.

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